Final Showreel
The fully completed and compiled together showreel with breakdowns.
I would honestly say that this looks better than I expected. But there are many areas I can improve
Projection mapping:
The projection mapping is the part I am most proud of, the whole shot looks incredibly high detail and the depth of field sells it at the end.
For improvements, I would add something to the scene to sell the 3D, such a plane flying through or a spaceship with a large glow. Something that can interact with the environment I’ve made to make it pop more.Secondly, i would have liked to experiment with more camera angles that potentially would have required more modelling and Photoshop work but would have allowed for more grand camera movements through the scene.
Camera Tracking:
The camera track itself I am happy with as I got a 0.2 solve error on the track. What I would like to have done is have more usable footage to choose from. From earlier blog posts I found myself with only one piece of footage that was had enough lighting and contrast to get a reliable track.
As well as this I feel like I can expand more into adding additional models to the scene, as well as potentially rebuilding the scene to allow physics objects to work with it.
Flight Stick Model:
I learned a lot while making this, and there is still a lot to learn. This only something I can improve upon by modelling more and getting the feel for the shapes I want to create. While the model and textures are not bad. I feel like seams on the model stand out too much and are slightly distorted. This could be because of my UV’s or just not high enough quality on my textures. I feel like I should look into the sculpt tools next time and learn how to use them to help achieve the shape I want.